Wizard Wander Walk
Sarah and I have been to the Wizard, or to be more precise the cafe, in Alderley Edge quite a few times. However, it has always been on the bike. We have to go back many years since the last time either of us actually visited the site on foot. This Wizard Wander walk was another in our series of training walks as Neil, Nicholl and Sarah prepare for their upcoming St Cuthbert’s Way walking tour.
We met at the car park at Alderley Edge on a fine sunny Sunday afternoon.
Then set off following the route of the Wizard Wander. The name of the walk celebrates the popular legend of Alderley Edge. It is a traditional tale featuring a wizard on a white mare, magic and treasure. Of course, more recently there is Alan Garner’s classic story ‘The Wierdstone of Brisingamen’ which was set in the area. There is also the nearby roadside Wizard Restaurant.
There are lots of different paths around here, and it wasn’t long before we were off course.
We did, however, pass The Beacon.
It seems this Armada Beacon was actually lit in 1588 as a warning against an imminent Spanish invasion.
After following a few further paths we came out onto the bare rock of Stormy Point and its glorious view out over Cheshire.
There was also another stunning view out over Cheshire just a little further on.
At this point, we left The Wizard Walk and picked up a ‘Donkey Trek track’ path. This also forms a section of the North Cheshire Way.
This passed one of the many mines around the area.
We followed this path down to Mottram Road.
Then crossed over the road and made our way towards some fields.
It had rained heavily earlier in the day, so this made some sections tricky.
After following the edges of the fields, we joined Mottram Road further down and walked towards the village of Mottram St Andrew.
In Mottram St Andrew, we took a path on the right between two houses and followed the path down to some farmers fields.
There were curious residents in these fields.
There were some curious residents in another field too. Eventually, however, we were able to get through safely.
We rejoined the North Cheshire Way as we made our way back towards Alderley Edge.
It was beginning to get dark now, so we took the shortest route back to the start.
Before, finally, rejoining the official Wizard Wander walking route back to the car park.
This had been another enjoyable walk with lots of variety en route. It was also somewhat different terrain to the walks we have undertaken recently, so that provided for interest.
You can view our Wizard Wander walk below: