Hebridean Way Day 6 – Callanish to Butt of Lewis and Cross

Hebridean Way Day 6 – Callanish to Butt of Lewis and Cross

The headwinds played a significant part on our Hebridean Way Day 5, and this would be even more so on Hebridean Way Day 6. The bleak and open vistas of the northern section of Lewis would make for a challenging day as we reached the end of the Hebridean Way route.

At least it was dry when we set off.

While there was no big hill, this would be a day of rolling terrain.

Once again the day started easily enough as we rolled up and down inclines towards Carloway.

However, once the road turned north-easterly, the wind for the rest of the day would prove relentless.

At Bragar, we passed the Whalebone Arch.

Whalebone Arch

Then, just after this, we arrived at Grinneabhat, a community space and accommodation, which also houses a cafe

We enjoyed some hearty food here.

Of course, we couldn’t put off tackling the headwind forever.

It was a long and straight road towards the Butt of Lewis. The scenery was particularly rugged and barren here.

We joined the A857 at Barvas.

Then continued with our relentless battle through the north of Isle of Lewis terrain, straight into the headwind.

It was hard going.

Ten miles or so further on, we arrived at Cross Inn where we would be staying for the evening. We dropped our panniers off, but we hadn’t finished cycling yet.

First of all, we went for a little something to eat and drink at Comunn Eachdraidh Nis.

Afterwards, we cycled on to the Butt of Lewis.

Amazingly, as we turned the final corner to the Butt of Lewis, the weather was serene.

The Butt of Lewis is mentioned in the Guinness of Records for being the windiest place in the UK. We can vouch for that!

It is the end of the official Hebridean Way – both a challenging and fantastic route at the same time.

It is also the location of a lighthouse.

Once we had finished looking around the site we set off back to our accommodation at Cross. It may have been serene on arrival, but it was brutal on the way back.

However, first, we took a little detour to Port Nis.

It is a small village with a harbour near the Butt of Lewis.

While the harbour was interesting, we only stayed for a short while.

Then headed back to our accommodation.

Where we first enjoyed a well earned drink before settling down for an evening meal.

Alongside the scenic and at times bleak terrain, once again this had been another challenging day. We had, however, completed the Hebridean Way. While this had been a challenging route, it had also been one full of fantastic scenery. Not only that it was accompanied by some fascinating community life and island history.

Tomorrow we would be off to Stornoway in preparation for returning home.

You can view our Hebridean Way Day 6 route from Callanish to Cross via the Butt of Lewis below:

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