Vuelta a Stockport 2022

Vuelta a Stockport 2022

It was a cold morning for a cycle ride. Vuelta a Stockport 2022 was the second edition of this local cycle ride celebrating one of the iconic cycle tour races. Sarah and I were leading the first of these rides.

Thirteen riders turned up in Woodsmoor, hoping we would enjoy a cycle ride and beat the rain.

It was a biting wind we were heading into as we made our way over to Bramhall.

We weaved our way through Bramhall and down Tenement Lane.

Then along the Ladybrook Cycleway.

After which we cycled through Brookfield Park.

Then, a little further on, we cycled up Schools Hill and into Bruntwood Park.

Then out the other side.

And towards Stanley Green, Heald Green.

We navigated the Wilmslow Handforth bypass roundabout and crossings.

Then made our way up the cycle path along the side of the A555, the Airport Bypass. Finally, at least, we turned away from the headwind.

After leaving the A555, we turned into Blossoms Lane.

We took a short break here.

It was cold so we didn’t stop long before continuing on our way towards Woodford Road.

Then we turned into Moor Lane and began heading back.

We crossed back over the A555 and cycled along its cycle path again for a little while as we made our way back towards Bramhall.

We worked our way through the back streets.

Eventually coming out onto Bridge Lane.

It was followed by a little cheek blower up Hillcrest Road.

Finally, we picked up the Fred Perry path alongside Tin Brook. The brook, which rises here is also known as Carr Brook or Hempshaw Brook.

Just as we were returning to the start it began to rain. It seems we had timed our cycle ride just right.

Our cycle route today had covered 15 miles. It had been a cold ride, a windy ride for much of it, but an enjoyable ride nonetheless.

You can view our Vuelta a Stockport 2022 route below:

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