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Tag: Cross

Hebridean Way Day 7 – Cross to Stornoway

Hebridean Way Day 7 – Cross to Stornoway

Having completed the official route on Hebridean Way Day 6. It was now time to begin our journey home. So, for Hebridean Way Day 7 this involved cycling to Stornoway. We knew before we started this was likely to be another tough day of cycling. We were likely to be cycling into a strong headwind, in the region of 25-30 mph. Mike, who had been struggling for the last few days due to the strength of the headwinds, had sought…

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Hebridean Way Day 6 – Callanish to Butt of Lewis and Cross

Hebridean Way Day 6 – Callanish to Butt of Lewis and Cross

The headwinds played a significant part on our Hebridean Way Day 5, and this would be even more so on Hebridean Way Day 6. The bleak and open vistas of the northern section of Lewis would make for a challenging day as we reached the end of the Hebridean Way route. At least it was dry when we set off. While there was no big hill, this would be a day of rolling terrain. Once again the day started easily…

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