Post-TPT – Hull to Scarborough
Following the completion of our Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) cycle tour, the following day we began our Post-TPT cycle trip to Scarborough to join up with our Stockport Community Cycling Club friends on the Club Weekend.

Leaving Hull we once again weaved our way towards the old Hull-Hornsea railway line.
This time we didn’t follow the path to the end but turned off at the A165 near to Skirlaugh.
We followed country lanes to Sigglesthorne.
We continued to follow the local cycle routes.
At Lissett we passed an interesting memorial. The linking airfield was now also the site of a wind farm.
Around Burton St Agnes we started to climb and at the top of the first major hill we thought it a good time to eat lunch.
Following lunch we dropped down into Rudston and popped into The Bosville Arms for a cuppa.
Back on the road we eventually picked up NCN route 1.
Having climbed for a number of miles there was a sharp drop into Folkton.
Soon we found ourselves in Scarborough.
It had been a lovely sunny day but as we turned into the Scarborough Campus where we were staying it suddenly started to rain hard.
We had also arrived a couple of hours early so decided to go and look for a cafe. However we hadn’t got very far when the heavens truly opened (that first lot at just been a taster of what was to come!). We took shelter under a tree but still got soaked. When the rain subsided a little we turned around and headed back to the campus. Sadly my phone didn’t cope with the rain very well and has refused to work since.
When we got back to the campus we were able to get access to our rooms. And after hanging around for a couple of hours our SCCC colleagues arrived and the club weekend for us could truly begin.
Today we had cycled 46 miles on our journey from Hull to Scarborough. You can view our Post-TPT route below:
[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/posttpt-hulltoscarborough.gpx”]