Manchester City Centre

Manchester City Centre

This Stockport Community Cycling Club ride had been affected by Covid even before we arrived at the start. It’s ride leaders having to be swapped about. It meant that I lead this second group of the day, and Sarah, originally a ride-leader, was now the back-leader.

It’s been a couple of years since we cycled a version of this ride, it was then titled, Angel Meadow.

We met outside Cringle Park, and then made our way onto the Fallowfield Loop. This forms a section of NCN Route 60.

A little further on we continued to follow NCN Route 60 as it turned towards Gorton.

At one point our path was blocked by a fallen tree …

Continuing on we made our way through Openshaw.

We crossed the Ashton Canal.

Then weaved our way through Clayton.

This brought us to Clayton Vale.

From Clayton Vale we passed Clayton Vale cemetery before dropping into Philips Park.

We left Philips Park and joined the Ashton Canal.

This took us towards New Islington as we headed towards the centre of Manchester.

We cycled alongside New Islington Marina.

From here we navigated our way through Ancoats down to Angel Meadow.

We took a short break in the park.

Then set off towards Shudehill.

Eventually, we headed up Tib Street and then crossed Market Street as we walked past Piccadilly Gardens.

Next, we followed the back streets of the city centre before arriving at St Peter’s Square.

Then we passed Manchester Central Convention Centre.

Before continuing up Lower Mosley Street.

This brought us out near Deansgate and onto First Street.

Our route then took us around Hulme.

After which we made our way through the university area.

After passing through the universities we navigated through the back streets of Rusholme.

Eventually, we rejoined the Fallowfield Loop.

Before finishing off by passing ‘Leve Henge’.

Our route had covered nearly 16 miles. Sometimes, as shown by this route, urban cycling can be as varied and enjoyable as any cycle ride out into the countryside.

You can view our Manchester City Centre route below:

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