

We met at the top end of Hollywood Park about to make a second attempt to begin Andy S’s new cycle route to Wythenshawe. The first attempt had been cancelled due to the icy weather earlier in the year. Thankfully, the weather this time out was fine.

We began by heading under the viaducts and towards Stockport town centre.

Then along Chestergate.

Before turning briefly to admire the new Redrock complex.

We then made our way up Lancashire Hill and along Penny Lane.

We weaved our way through south Reddish.

And towards Heaton Chapel.

From here we headed up Nelstrop Road North and through Highfield Country Park.

We then picked up the Fallowfield Loop.

We followed this to Hough End, where we joined Princess Road for a little while.

We followed local cycle network route 85 as we weaved our way through Northenden.

Eventually, we arrived at Wythenshawe Park.

Here we stopped for our break at the Courtyard Tea Rooms next to Wythenshawe Hall.

Apparently, they had been worried that a big group like ours would overwhelm them on a busy Saturday. However, they seemed to cope fine.

After the coffee break, we set off towards Baguley and Benchill.

Then Wythenshawe town centre.

Next, we picked up NCN Route 558, as we returned via Heald Green.

We cycled through Brookfields Park.

Finally, we made our way through Cheadle Heath.

And lastly Edgeley.

This had proved an interesting new local route. Once again showing that you can enjoy cycling in urban areas. We had cycled almost 19 miles.

You can view the Wythenshawe cycle route below:

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