Tour De Stockport 2019
All week, the weather forecast for Saturday hadn’t looked good. So, it was quite surprising to see fourteen cyclists arrive at Woodsmoor for this Stockport Community Cycling Club Tour De Stockport 2019 adventure. I was leading this ride, and Sarah would be the back-leader.
As we started the ride and cycled through Woodmoor it was dry.
We crossed over the railway line using the bridge at the end of Cromley Road.
This took us into Bramhall.
We cycled through Bramhall Park.
Just after Bramhall Park, I made the first change to the route. Previously, when we have completed this route we have followed the Carrwood Valley path. This time, it seemed prudent to stay on the road and use Carrwood Avenue instead.
Next, we cycled on towards Cheadle Hulme. It had started to rain now.
We picked up the path on the border of Cheadle Hulme and Heald Green and followed this towards Bruntwood Park.
Our route then brought us on to Wilmslow Road and then Shiers Drive.
The cyclists took brief respite under some trees.
We then continued through Brookfields Park where we joined NCN Route 558.
Our route continued to follow NCN Route 558 through Cheadle.
Another change of route to avoid cycling down a cobbled road which would probably have been slippery meant instead we dropped down to the River Mersey and the Trans Pennine Trail path via Gorsey Bank Road. By now the rain was coming down harder.
As we crossed the bridge, you can see it raining falling like ‘stair rods’.
It was too wet to notice (or care!). However, we had now joined NCN Route 62 as we made our way towards the Pyramid. At this point, some of the cyclists had, understandably, had enough. They turned off and went home.
The rest of us continued towards Heaton Norris.
It was quite miserable now.
After climbing up the path by the side of B&Q, we headed up Bowerfold Lane towards the A6.
We crossed the A6 and dropped into Heaton Norris Park.
Everyone was struggling now, so we decided on another change of route and simply dropped into the town centre rather than skirt through Brinnington.
Our coffee stop was at Tandem Coffee House. It now has new ownership. Our cyclists were grateful for the warm drink and cake, and a chance to dry out a little and warm up.
Of course, everything was still wet when we had to leave. Again, I decided an alternative route would be wise … the quickest way back to the start point!
So we set off back by cycling along Hopes Carr, and then Canal Street.
Then through Saint Thomas Recreation ground.
Down Lowndes Lane.
On to Mile End Lane.
Crossed over the A6, and finally cycled along Moorland Road back to the start.
There were just seven survivors.
We had cycled 15 miles by the finish (less than the 18 miles planned). It had been one of the wettest rides we had cycled for quite some time.
You can view our Tour De Stockport 2019 route below: