Lochs and Glens North Day 2 – Balloch to Callander
Before we set off for Lochs and Glens North Day 2, someone had said that the highlight of the tour would be a long climb through the forest. We set off from Queen of the Loch in Balloch, ready for our next day of adventure.
The route initially took us through Balloch Castle Country Park. This was also part of The John Muir Way (a coast-to-coast cycling and walking route).
Having left the country park, the views had started and the countryside started rolling.
We were heading towards Drymen, where we were planning to stop for refreshments.
There was a stretch along an old railway line.
The was a very interesting narrow bridge over quite a wide river.
At Drymen, we stopped at a cafe called Skoosh, where we had some very welcome tea and cake.
Leaving Drymen, we started climbing up towards Aberfoyle.
Having passed through Gartmore, we then joined another old railway line into Aberfoyle.
Just after Aberfoyle, we turned off the road and headed into the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park – there was even a warning sign at the turn!
We cycled along the tracks through the forest making our way to the Lodge Forest Visitor Centre where we were hoping to have lunch.
Next, to the Lodge Forest Visitor Centre, which was actually slightly off the cycle route, there was a Go Ape centre, although no one fancied a go!
We then had to cycle back down the hill to rejoin the cycle route.
As we were climbing up through the forest, we passed a rather spectacular waterfall.
Eventually, we reached the top of the climb and we started a descent down to Loch Drunkie.

Having dropped down to Loch Drunkie, we cycled around one side of it, before having on towards Loch Venachar.
We dropped down to Loch Venachar.
We followed Loch Venachar into Callander.
We soon came to the outskirts of Callander.
Along the main road, we passed an interesting sign above a diner.
We were staying at The Waverley for the night.
We had cycled 35 miles and climbed about 3000 feet. There had been some spectacular views. I was rather tired by the end of the day!
You can view our Lochs and Glens North Day 2 route from Balloch to Callander below: