SCCC Weekend Longer Ride – Mungrisdale, Matterdale and Ullswater

SCCC Weekend Longer Ride – Mungrisdale, Matterdale and Ullswater

After Saturdays wet ride from Lancaster, Sunday’s Stockport Community Cycling Club weekend longer ride promised a few hills, including Matterdale, but also some fantastic views. We had of course recced this ride recently as part of our Club Weekend recce. It was a cool, but thankfully dry Sunday morning that greeted us as seventeen of us left Newton Rigg College and set off for Newton Reigny. It wasn’t long before the first climb began, a steady rise up to Skelton. Sadly as…

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SCCC Weekend Mix and Match Ride

SCCC Weekend Mix and Match Ride

Last Sunday on the SCCC Weekend away, there was a choice of either a longer or a shorter ride. I had been told (by Andy) that I was doing the longer ride and I was looking forward to it as we had tried the ride a few weeks back. I knew that the scenery was going to be spectacular. After a hard week at work, I was feeling really tired all weekend. After breakfast, we had  bit of a stroll…

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Lancaster – An SCCC Weekend Ride

Lancaster – An SCCC Weekend Ride

The Stockport Community Cycling Club Weekend is always a highly anticipated event.  This year we were off to Penrith.Some of us had recently spent a weekend recceing the Sunday rides (Short ride/Long ride). First however, on the way we stopped off for a cycle ride near to Lancaster. We arrived in Lancaster on a wet Saturday lunchtime.    Setting off along the River Lune we followed NCN Route 6 for the first few miles. This took us past Conder Green…

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Stockport Hilly Off-Road Recce

Stockport Hilly Off-Road Recce

The Stockport Hilly Off-Road ride is an upcoming Stockport Community Cycling Club Sunday ride. However Sarah and I will be away for the weekend it will take place (celebrating my birthday! 🙂 ). Andy S needed to recce the ride, and we had a free Bank Holiday, we decided to test the ride out. We met at the Lapwing Centre in Brinnington. And set off on NCN Route 62 through Reddish Vale Country Park.    NCN Route 62 of course forms…

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Jodrell Bank – Two Rides in Reverse

Jodrell Bank – Two Rides in Reverse

This latest Stockport Community Cycling Club ride was a repeat of Neil’s Jodrell Bank ride earlier in the year – but in reverse and with a few tweaks. Sarah was leading the ride, but when we arrived at Wilmslow Leisure Centre and there was already a healthy gathering of club members … and the numbers kept growing … it quickly became clear that I would be leading a ride too! Soon there were over thirty of us. The photos are…

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