Jodrell Bank – And Goostrey
Jodrell Bank and Goostrey are two regular ports of call for Stockport Community Cycling Club rides in Cheshire (and to be honest many of the local cycling clubs). It is simply that they are well placed when choosing somewhere to stop for a break. We had been there recently – to Jodrell Bank in November, and to Goostrey just before Christmas – however this was a cycle ride approaching these destinations from a different direction.
We arrived at Wilmslow Leisure Centre for the start of the ride on yet another wet Sunday morning. Neil and I had recced the ride the previous Sunday (and the ‘dry’ photos included are from that recce) and half expected there to be just the two of us again. There were in fact fifteen of us. Our original back leader was unfortunately struggling with a foot injury, so Sarah took over these duties.
Fresh from winning SCCC Club Person of the Year award, Neil led today’s cycle ride.
Straight from leaving the leisure centre we started climbing as we made our way up the hill at Wilmslow Park towards Dean Row.
Soon we were out in the country lanes …and the mist.
We first turned towards Prestbury where we climbed our next hill along Wilmslow Road.

Before turning towards Mottram St Andrew.
And Over Alderley.
We cycled down Artists Lane.
Next we headed for Chelford.
Still it continued to rain as from Chelford we followed the lanes through the Peovers.
We had been due to stop for lunch at the Jodrell Bank cafe. However, on the recce we had arrived to find the cafe to be full. Would it be able to cope with a large group of cyclists, especially as it was in the middle of an extension being built so there was no outside overflow? We decided not.
Instead we continued on to Goostrey.
Here we stopped at The Red Lion on the main street. This provided a good choice of bar menu food suited to cyclists needs, and at a reasonable price.

It was STILL raining when we came out after lunch.
Heading back to the start we began by turning down Blackden Lane towards Blackden Heath.
Then back through the Peover’s.
Then towards Marthall and Warford.
We took a different route back through Wilmslow. First up Rotherwood Road and Battery Lane towards Lindow Common.
And finally along Hawthorn Lane into Wilmslow town centre.
When we arrived back in Wilmslow, it was STILL raining. However in spite of the rain it had been an enjoyable day of cycling. We had completed 29 miles.
You can view the Jodrell Bank route below:
[sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/sccc-jodrell-bank-2016.gpx”]